Report from India

HAVE president Ron Reid has recently returned from an eight-day trip to India. During the trip, Ron was able to see seven of the most recent 10 wells drilled with donated money. Ron was able to check out wells installed by SUCHI, our NGO located in Andhra Pradesh (near Chittoor) about 200 kilometres west of Chennai (Madras) in India. About half of the wells were operated with electricity, while the others used hand pumps. Ron informed the board of directors on Oct. 29 that the government in India has agreed to put in tanks, taps and electrical pumps on those… [ read more ]


We left for SPREAWS on Thursday, Feb. 3rd in the afternoon after visiting several villages in Chittoor.  We arrived  late afternoon (6PM) after a 5 hr drive. We visited 5 villages and  an office of SPREAWS on Friday. These were 5 of the 10 wells we assisted with in this project. We met some of the staff including the leader Sajid Hussein.  We had an amazing meal with his family at their home.  Although we only spent a day with this organization, it was good day. They are working with some remote and landless labour communities.   It was a… [ read more ]

STEPS in Tricy ….Jan 29

WE arrived in Tricy late Friday night. We travelled to the town of Andhur on Saturday where the STEPS  RO Filtration project is located at the St Paul’s school.  We  cut the ribbon to initiate the system which is now complete and functioning.  We all had a drink of the was a great day with Sethu and his wife Ester.  We toured the school and observed an exhibition of science work by all of the students. Then in the evening they had their year end windup which concluded with a lot of dancing by the students. A wonderful weekend. The… [ read more ]

Life is busy in India sorry about the lack of posting

I apologize for not starting this blog sooner…here it is Feb 1 and I finally found a computer with internet and I have energy. It has been  a busy and very fruitful trip. I hope Paul has enjoyed it…he says definitely(he working on another computer in the same room here at SUCHI-Vellore). I wrote the next few paragraphs on Friday at Kolkata airport and on the plane to Chennai. Here we are here at the Kolkata airport heading to Chennai on Jan 28,2011. We left SGUS  at 5AM are waiting in the airport. We have not sent  a blog  as… [ read more ]

Journey to India 2011

Jan 19,2011 Good morning Paul and I leave for India tomorrow morning. A 15 hr flight to New Delhi and then on to Kolkata and a trip to SGUS. We will staying in Kalaberia for 6 days monitoring the SGUS project. We are expecting Marty Trocewicz and Carolyn Langdon from Haliburton to meet us and spend 7-8 days touring with us. They are on a 3 month tour of India. On Jan 28 we all (4)  fly to Chennai. We will travel to the STEPS RO school Filtration project for a day and then go north to Kapada in Andhra… [ read more ]

HAVE Chairperson Meets with SUCHI Members at India Office

Ron Reid, chairperson of the Help A Village Effort committee, has just returned from a visit to India to assess progress made by non-governmental organization partners in the country. In the south, Reid visited with representatives from SUCHI in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh where the people are experiencing the worst drought in years. SUCHI has developed a survey to get the demographics of the village where tube wells are scheduled to be installed. They are ready, Reid reports, to begin a needs assessment and will choose which villages will receive wells this year. They have produced a timetable… [ read more ]