Glovertown announcement re: Walk for Water

In June, the Help A Village Effort (H.A.V.E. Canada’s Glovertown Branch) will have its 26th Walk for Water.
As there will not be a designated walk day this year, you are invited to walk, run, dance, etc., anytime and
any place during the month of June
. Our Walk’s goal is to assist H.A.V.E. Canada in providing very needy villages, particularly in India, with safe drinking water. Walk registration and sponsorship forms will be available at all the local churches, Glovertown Pharmacy, and the town hall.
For more information, please contact Gerard and Yuvadee Feltham at 709-­533-­9177 or Christine Pike at
We invite you to participate in the Walk, to provide safe drinking water to thousands of very needy families. Let’s make it the best fundraiser yet!
By Glovertown H.A.V.E. Committee

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