Glovertown 2010

Gloverton, Newfoundland – June 12th, 2010

Glovertown and Area’s 12th WALK FOR WATER (June 12/10) went quite well. It was a perfect day for walking.

The returns of the sponsorship funds were especially encouraging. Monies are still slowly coming in (July 2nd). We remain very hopeful that our annual goal of 10 more new wells for very needy villagers in India will be reached.

Since with started in 1999, our WALKs have now raised over $100 000. With equal matching monies from CIDA, this means, too, that about 125 bore wells will have been supplied to as many villages which are in desperate need of safe drinking water.

This is a remarkable accomplishment, thanks to hundreds of supporters in our sparcely populated area and to many other generous friends and relatives, far beyond. The challenge is now out for other Canadian villages and towns to do as well or better. How about it?!?