Walks for Water 2010

Fund-raising events were held coast to coast this year in:

  • St. John’s West End Baptist Church, Newfoundland
    May 8th, 2010
  • West Vancouver, British Columbia
    May 29th, 2010
  • Marystown (Creston United Church Men’s Group), Newfoundland
    June 8th, 2010
  • Glovertown and Area, Newfoundland
    June 12th, 2010
  • The school group at Archie Stouffer School in Minden, Ontario
  • Lindsay, Ontario
  • Chase, British Columbia

Click the tiles below to see regional events

June, 2010

Message from Founder

A Message for Gloverton From Gerard Feltham (HAVE founder)

WALK FOR WATER appeal, 2010

Glovertown and Area’s 12th WALK FOR WATER will take place on June 12th. As always, Yuvadee, Geravad,and I will be walking the WALK. For years many of you have very generously supported our annual WALK effort. If you wish to sponsor us again (or for the first time) in this year’s WALK, we’ll appreciate knowing (to add your name to our WALK forms) ASAP. Sincerest Thanks.

From 1999 to 2009, the WALK income increased from $4,465.00 to $15,409.00. The total proceeds in our 2009 WALK was $15,409.00; quite a big achievement for a small WALK in a small town. With CIDA’s equal matching, this amount resulted in 15 new bore wells.

You’ll be pleased to know that since our first Glovertown and Area WALK (1999), a grand total of 115 wells have been supplied to as many very needy villages in India. Consequently, about 70 000 villagers are now receiving for the first time sufficient clean safe drinking water, resulting in lives with good health and opportunity, for themselves, their families, and their neighbours (other villagers).

You’ll be happy to know, too, that since H.A.V.E. Canada’s beginning (1982) at least 800 drilled wells and other safe drinking water systems have been provided to hundreds of villages (particularly in India) that were in dire need of drinking water. H.A.V.E.’s Mission remains essential and precious towards supplying potable water in rural India and many other countries. Therefore, our WALKs FOR WATER, and other fund-raising events must continue. Thanks to you and numerous other very concerned, committed individuals and groups, H.A.V.E. exists.

Kindest regards and best wishes,

Gerard (Gerry), Yuvadee, and Geravad

Message from Toos Reid

HAVE asks Haliburton County to choose its own adventure

Help A Village Effort is once again asking community members to choose their own adventure to raise money for well construction and hygiene education in India.

Part of a long history of fundraising, Choose Your Own Adventure is a challenge that has evolved over the years from the original Walk for Water events held in Haliburton (which continue today across Canada).

A History of Walk for Water

In 1982, Gerry Feltham travelled to India and became aware of the plight of the people and the tremendous need for fresh drinking water wells. He resolved upon his return to Canada to organize a walk to raise awareness and enough funds for a well. The walk took place on the first Saturday in June of 1983 and raised enough funds for eight wells. HELP A VILLAGE EFFORT or H.A.V.E. was born and the Walk for Water became H.A.V.E.’s annual fundraiser.

The walks, because of their length (20 km), took a good part of the day to complete and many volunteers were needed to run the event. As interest in the walk started to decline, the H.A.V.E. committee realized that another way of fundraising needed to be considered. Initially, the Walk was shortened to five km around Head Lake. The last H.A.V.E. walk in Haliburton was held in 2002 with a large group of international participants who were visiting the area as part of World Youth Day taking part.

Walks for Water continue annually in Newfoundland and British Columbia.

In 2003, the format changed from a Walk to a Choose Your Own Adventure, which allowed for a great diversity for fundraising initiatives. Some people continued to choose a physical endeavour while others chose to organize dinners, entertainment, creative projects, vigils or bowling adventures. Fundraising for the organization continued to flow and indeed, saw an increase in the Haliburton area.

An application for a CIDA grant in 2007 required the organization to raise $50,000 annually. H.A.V.E. Haliburton has been able to raise approximately half of this amount with the remainder of the contributions coming in from H.A.V.E. chapters in Newfoundland and British Columbia.

So, whether you walk, participate in an adventure or support someone involved, H.A.V.E. is grateful for your help to answer the plight of people globally who desperately need fresh, clean drinking water.

By Toos Reid, board member of H.A.V.E.

Messages from Fund Raisers

This message from George White of the West End Baptist Church, St. John’s, NL

(Walk planned for May 8th, 2010)

Hi Gerard…we did our presentation at West End Baptist today and will have our walk next Sat. May 8th…I expect we will raise somewhere around $3,000 this year…I will give you an update after next week…regards to you & family.

From Rev. John Watton’ of
St. Martin’s Cathedral (Anglican), Gander, NL

The Youth of the St. Martin’s Cathedral (Anglican), Gander, NL have begun a youth challenge here, and our desire is to possibly dig two wells before the year end. I have also begun a youth out reach partnership with the Parish of Grand Bank.

A message from West Vancouver, British Columbia

(Walk planned for May 29th, 2010)

This May 29, 2010, we are planning our third Walk for Water following on from growing interest and support from previous years. This year, we have 2 routes, 2 and 3.5 km in length planned for beautiful Horseshoe Bay. The routes provides breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and the North Shore Mountains.
John Whalen – West Vancouver